Patent for a Lightweight Handheld Mobile Device in Retail

Patent for a Lightweight Handheld Mobile Device in Retail

I'm proud to announce that Social Mobile has been awarded a patent for our handheld digital badge for retail!Some time ago, we worked on a custom project where we were asked to design and bring to market a sleek handheld barcode scanner. Now, we're excited to see this...

U.S. Healthcare Systems Should Adopt Rapid Innovation Hubs

U.S. Healthcare Systems Should Adopt Rapid Innovation Hubs

The creation of innovation hubs in healthcare to rapidly prototype emerging tech in areas like wearables and telemedicine can not only save healthcare systems billions of dollars, but improve outcomes for all involved. The U.S. healthcare system has long been...

Why America Needs to Embrace Mexico As Its New Manufacturing Hub

Why America Needs to Embrace Mexico As Its New Manufacturing Hub

As countries from around the world invest billions into achieving chip sovereignty, we are uniquely positioned to create a world-class value chain on our own continent. America has been living in a bubble. For decades, our smartphones and devices have been heavily...

America’s $52 billion bet on the chips race can’t succeed without small-business innovation

America’s $52 billion bet on the chips race can’t succeed without small-business innovation

America is about to unleash $52 billion in upfront funding to accelerate the development of a domestic supply chain for semiconductors. It’s an uncharacteristic move for the U.S. government, which historically has favored issuing tax credits for research and innovation over distributing money upfront. And as the U.S. ramps up its efforts in the global race for chip sovereignty, there’s a lot riding on the outcome.

2023 Power Leaders 250 – South Florida Business Journal

2023 Power Leaders 250 – South Florida Business Journal

I'm honored to be selected by South Florida Business Journal as one of the 2023 Power Leaders 250. I founded Social Mobile in South Florida 12 years ago, and that's where we will continue to operate and call home. Thank you! This year’s Power Leaders 250 includes...